Popular social media platform, WhatsApp has added great new features and recently revealed that it has a user base of more than one billion users which means, one in seven people use Watsapp on earth.
With such a huge user base, Watsapp recently improved its app with a host of new features with improved speed, security, reliability and simplicity.
Watsapp earlier announced that it manages over 100 million voice calls every day on the app, that makes it more than 1,100 calls per second and has upgraded the desktop versions of the app.
These new features are user friendly and they make messaging more fun.
Below are five latest features to enjoy on WhatsApp:
Video calling
WhatsApp just confirmed that you can now do a video call on Android, iOS and Windows. The 'Video Call' and 'Voice Call' choices are at the top dialer button. A new dialog giving the option between a standard voice call and a video call will appear.
Tagging others within a WhatsApp group is now possible even if the people have muted the conversation. You can avail this feature by typing @ and click on the contact you wish to tag from the appearing list.
Picture edit
So nice! WhatsApp now allow you to doodle on as well as edit on the photos before sending them to your friends. When you select a photo from your camera while messaging, few icons on the top right will appear with options to, crop the photo, draw a doodle, enter a text or a sticker to the photo. Then the picture message is ready to be sent.
Most viewed
This feature sadly works only on Apple devices as of now. Go to 'Settings' and then select 'Account' and then 'Storage Usage'. There, you will be able to see the total number of messages at the top of the page and also a list of chats, ranked according to the number of messages sent to the number. This helps you see who is your 'best friend'– which contact have you spoken the maximum number of lines.
The 2.16.16 update allows you to send videos (six seconds or shorter) and Live Photos and GIFs. You can search the Giphy library to search for GIFs to send to your friends on your WhatsApp.
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